lazy user move = out-of-sync domain databases
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Arthur Prokosch
2007-08-01 22:14:19 UTC
All --

After years of forgetting most details of best practices, primary vs
secondary domains, etc, I started prep for a server migration this

The Situation: single-domain, single-PO system with 35ish users.
Administration been neglected for most of a decade. We don't use
Libraries, but are heavy users of shared folders.
The Goal: to move groupwise system to new box, and to end up with
everything better documented & closer to defaults.
The (very loose) Plan:
(1) Create a new single domain with new PO and new agent & gateway
(2) Perform user moves (and resource and distribution list moves), say
in blocks of 10?
(3) Once the POA is populated, test new system and get to work on
configuring the gateways

Anyhow, I was doing testing out this process on dummy users and
objects, but wasn't remembering well enough (a) the distinction
between primary and secondary domain, or (b) the full significance of
the little "connect" plug on a domain. As a result, I now have two
out-of-sync views of what NEWPO contains. If I'm connected to OLDDOM,
it has only an external entity (TempResourceOwner). If I'm connected
to NEWDOM, it contains the one successful move (user jpublic). And a
distribution list I tried to move (Bogus Distribution List) is nowhere
to be found.

So...OT1H, this is all okay because they're useless test objects
anyhow. OTOH, I want to get my domains in sync with each other before
doing actual user moves, and if I'd be better off recreating NEWDOM, I
need to know that now. I've run Synchronize on a couple ConsoleOne
objects to no effect. I think what I need to do is Rebuild NEWDOM
from OLDDOM (I'm okay if jpublic disappears, no actual data there),
but I'm not completely confident that OLDDOM is still the primary.
How can I check?

And where should I be connected to at which parts of a user move to
make sure that all my domain databases stay in sync?

Any pointers to basic migration guides?

Thanks much,
-arthur prokosch
Online Services Manager
Third Sector New England
Uwe Buckesfeld
2007-08-02 04:07:35 UTC
Post by Arthur Prokosch
How can I check?
The properties of the domain object. Identification.
Post by Arthur Prokosch
And where should I be connected to at which parts of
a user move to make sure that all my domain databases stay in sync?
Connect to the target domain, the one which receives the users.
Post by Arthur Prokosch
Any pointers to basic migration guides?
Sure, lots of (e.g. TID 3128933), did you check support.novell.com?

Novell Support Connection Volunteer SysOp
Please don't send me support related e-mail unless I ask you to do so.
Arthur Prokosch
2007-08-02 13:27:44 UTC
Post by Uwe Buckesfeld
Post by Arthur Prokosch
How can I check?
The properties of the domain object. Identification.
Gives OLDDOM is primary, as expected. (Also, I now notice a tiny
graphical hint on the icons for each domain.)

I'll follow at least the first few steps of http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/9576.html
to rebuild the secondary domain (not necessary to rebuild OLDDOM now),
and I think I'll be good to go.
Post by Uwe Buckesfeld
Post by Arthur Prokosch
And where should I be connected to at which parts of
a user move to make sure that all my domain databases stay in sync?
Connect to the target domain, the one which receives the users.
Will do. Thanks.
Post by Uwe Buckesfeld
Post by Arthur Prokosch
Any pointers to basic migration guides?
Sure, lots of (e.g. TID 3128933), did you check support.novell.com?
I did, but most every search I ran returned either information that
didn't cover basics (eg, how to re-architect your 20-domain system),
or was for GW 5.x or 7 (we're running 6.5.6up2). Thanks for the
pointer; exactly what I'm looking for.

