GW 6.5 snapin help
(too old to reply)
Dave Parkes
2009-03-24 16:10:54 UTC
Still not sure what you are running here, is it Netware 6.5 or SLES10 ?

Also 'Netware Admin 7' - is that the Groupwise 7 Admin CD/iso maybe

Where is C1 installed, locally on the workstation or are you running a
copy from a drive mapped to the server ?

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-25 10:55:17 UTC
You should also have a GW7 Admin for Windows CD somewhere.

To find which version of Groupwise is running on the server, try 'm gw*'
on the server console, that should list what GW modules are loaded.

Can you run C1 from the server, it should be under

Double-click CONSOLEONE.EXE.

I think your local copy of C1 is broken, see TID 10094234

I'd delete that copy and then, provided the server copy works, copy that
from the server to your local machine. Then try and copy the snapins over
again as you did before, see TID 10064069

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-26 10:51:51 UTC
OK, so you have GW7 - you may not have the latest versions, they can be
found at http://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=HpEEW7aXWEY~

That's 7.03 HP2 - and the download file you really want is the multi one

Now, as for C1, you originally said
ConsoleOne is installed on workstation locally, it is currently version
but now you are saying
Sorry, but I don't know what you mean by my local copy of c1 is broken.
I don't have ConsoleOne in our local workstation, only in the server.
So which is it ?

If you don't have C1 on your local machine at all, then use the GW7.02
download setup.exe to install a copy of C1 locally and then use the same
install to add the GW snapins to that local copy.

See how that goes.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-26 14:04:57 UTC
Don't bother copying the snapins to the server, let's just get the local
copy of C1 working first.
the only
thing that we did was enabling one of the logging (I can't remember
where and I am not sure if it's the problem).
On one of the Groupwise objects or from the server console screens ?

Ok, so you rebooted the server, it could be the network card drivers
didn't load.

Type 'ipconfig' at the server console, is there a network card shown ?

If not, then try 'reinit' at the server console, and see what happens.

Are any of the Groupwise components loaded on the server after you
rebooted it ?. Ctrl-Esc will give you a list of the active screens on the
server, or 'm gw*' again to see what GW components are running.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-27 11:54:46 UTC
The link I gave is the latest version, which is the one you ideally should
be on.

But just to get C1 working, using that latest version will be fine, you
can worry about upgrading the agents when we can get C1 working.

Is the Groupwise MTA loaded on that server ?

As for the XNTPD error, have you tried what it says, running NTPdate and
then reloading xnptd ?

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-27 12:37:09 UTC
The differences in the other tab are just Roy has logged in from a machine
that has the Zenworks agent on it, and you have used Groupwise Messenger
and Roy hasn't - so that's no big deal.

The fact you haven't got the Zen agent installed on your machine is
probably why you are getting that double login on Windows, as without the
Zen DLU cutting in, Windows is complaining that you haven't got an account
on the local workstation, so it is suggesting the last name that
successfully logged in. So you are 'you' to the netware server, but
'steve_y' as far as the local Windows machine is concerned.

As for why GW is not letting you in, check the users underneath the PO
object in C1 to see if your name is that list. Also check your user object
and see what shows in the Groupwise tab there.

Still need to check whether the MTA is loaded on the server

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-27 12:44:19 UTC
We need to find from C1, your user properties, what exactly is the
Groupwise account you should be using. It sounds like you haven't got one
yet. GW will just use the last successful account if it can, which is
probably where the admin login is coming from

You need to change the shortcut so it ends with 'grpwise.exe /@u-?' to get
the login screen to come up and ask who you want to login as. We need to
get the Windows/Groupwise accounts sorted out before worrying about
anything else

For the MTA not working, you need to find the file 'grpwise.ncf' in
sys:\system and post the contents here - ther should be a line with gwmta
in it, you need to type that line on the server console, if the MTA is not
currently running on the server.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-27 15:23:15 UTC
To siawkia
No, just change the properties of the shortcut, don't rename the file !

The Zen agent install should be in sys:\public\zenworkss\agent from
memory. But do you have anyone there who knows about this system, it
really sounds like you are struggling here, and there is only so much we
can do across a forum like this.
How do I know if the MTA is already running or not?
Couple of ways, 'm gwmta' at the server console, or use Ctrl-Esc to see if
there is a screen called MTA alive on the server

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-27 17:01:34 UTC
To siawkia
Yep, I know, I just change the "target"
<g>, you just had me worried for a second
Unfortunately there is no-one that knows the system, the only one who
knows this system has left, and yes, I am struggling. I don't know if
you have Novell Support in Perth, Australia that can help me out.
Try this link

When you mention sys:\public\zenworkss\agent that means the file
resides in the server right? Is there any in download.novell.com? As the
server's computer is pretty slow.
The server copy will be quicker than downloading the whole of Zenworks


should be the file you need to run
From what I remember the MTA is already running, but I am not too sure
myself. If it's already running, then the issue is not in MTA?
If the MTA screen can be found on the server, what does the Status box
look like, it's the top left, anything show as closed ?

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-29 12:59:56 UTC
To siawkia
I think the problem is the MTA, once we load the MTA we should be able
to send/receive email. Any idea why the MTA is not loaded/working?
Yep, try loading it again and see what shows on the logger screen or
console screen - they're usually screens 1 and 2 from the Ctrl-Esc menu.

Do you only have this one server ?, Zenworks may be installed on another

When you changed the shortcut, did the GW login screen come up as the
program started ?

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-29 21:50:55 UTC
And there are no messages at all on the console when you try and load the
MTA with that single line from grpwise.ncf ?

Look in the startrc.mta file in sys:\system and check that the path in
there in the /Home line near the top is correct.

Also, in the MSLOCAL subdirectory of the domain directory, there should be
some log files, something like 0329mta.001 - if it gets that far, but it
may show what the problem is.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Uwe Buckesfeld
2009-03-30 12:34:36 UTC
So I ran ConsoleOne, and it appears that C1 can't find Domain
Database (Please see attachment). I clicked 'cancel', it asked for a
path, I clicked 'cancel' again.
Enter the UNC path to the domain!

Dave Parkes
2009-03-30 13:55:52 UTC
The [OK] just means the file has been found and loaded, however, that does
not necessarily mean it is going to stay loaded. You can leave that log
level setting commented out, looks like someone just uncommented the
default line. If you need it in there, then just use one of the options

;/loglevel-[Normal | Verbose]

But you can set that in the C1 properties of the MTA. Most of the settings
in the startrac.mta file are only overrides on the C1 settings, and are
usually commented out.

As for getting C1 working again, As Uwe says just browse to your domain
directory when C1 asks for the location. So, yes, having a drive mapped to
that volume will make life easier.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-30 16:00:59 UTC
To siawkia
That looks strange, should be \\startrack_srv\mail ?

But, yes, it is the same routine/dialog used in both places.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-31 13:11:55 UTC
The C1 screen looks alright - check in C1, the Post Office object,
properties, and list the users in the Groupwise/membership tab - does that
show you in there ?.

Also in the post office directory, ofuser subdirectory - is there a file
called 'uservgu.db' ?

It does sound like you may need to reinstall the GW client on your machine
though, the simplest way is probably to install the client from the 7.02
distribution directory.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-01 12:59:04 UTC
When you check on the local Windows users in Control Panel, if a local
account matching your Netware login isn't there, create one. That's what
the Zenworks client can do if it is installed and Dynamic Local User is
configured. From the settings of Roy's account in C1, Zen was used at some
point even if it isn't now.

When Roy logs in to his machine, is there any trace of Zenworks showing,
say in the start/programs menu structure ?

Are there any messages on the GWIA screen when an incoming message to you
is being processed ?. You need to set the GWIA logging to verbose if it
isn't already set to that log level.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-02 08:26:26 UTC
OK, so according to

(Time) MSG 3545 Recipient Unknown: ***@startrack.com.au

the system doesn't recognise you by that name, what happens if you send a
mail to just hgunadi ?.

You may need to check the internet addressing page of the GW properties of
your user object in C1 to see what addressing formats are allowed - and
also check the system settings for GW internet addressing.

Does your name show up alright in the GW address book ?, definitely got
the first and last names correct, no trailing spaces or anything.

The GWIA is in the same domain as the post office ?

As for Zenworks, it seems like it may have been something that you used to
use then :-(

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-03 14:35:56 UTC
To siawkia
So that you don't receive mail under that address ?. I'm not sure if you
even can, I seem to remember people trying to uncheck that address format
in the GW Internet Addressing system properties, and not having much
success. It is one of the base formats that the system uses, and I really
wouldn't worry about it <g>

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-06 09:23:50 UTC
It's in C1 under the Tools menu, Groupwise system operations, Internet
Addressing and the Addressing formats tab

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-06 20:37:40 UTC
No problem, let us know if it actually does work on your system. Disabling
the address formats can be done globally from that Tools option in C1, or
per user in their C1 Internet addressing properties, on their user object
Groupwise page

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-07 09:17:10 UTC
Yep, that's the right option, but, as I said, I haven't heard of anyone
managing to get it to work. I think that format is just too deeply
embedded within the system

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-04-12 09:51:42 UTC
Just tried disabling the user@ format on my GW8 system here and it worked
fine to block it and only allow ***@. Maybe you need to rebuild the
domain database to make sure the changes to the addressing format got
through safely.

I actually made the changes in the individual user properties rather than
globally as I only wanted to test it on one account. So maybe try
resetting the global settings back to allow user@, and then try just
turning it off on your own account ?.

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/
Dave Parkes
2009-03-26 10:52:16 UTC
Nope, I don't need to know that :-)

Cheers Dave
Dave Parkes [NSCS]
Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/