Renamed GW User Problem
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2010-02-16 21:01:42 UTC

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Massimo Rosen
2010-02-16 21:42:01 UTC
Renamed GW User Problem
I renamed a user in eDirectory and GroupWise (6.5) from Steven* to
After some time I opened the account and checked emails, all was OK.
A few days later; problems. 75% of the emails has lost the body of
text and attachments and those affected emails had the dreaded post-it
pins along side them.
I would appreciate any suggestions to recover the lost emails (be it
the body missing not the complete email)
First, there is no technical explanation why the renaming should have
anything to do with it. It's most certainly coincidence.

Second, you need to find out where the problem lies. It could the the
users message database, or the offiles, and of course what happened that
deleted or corrupted them. If you're lucky, restoring offiles may be a
possibilty. If it's the message databas(es), it gets more complex.
That's a job for a full PO restore to a different location, access it
via direct mode as that user, archive everything, and then restore the
archive into the live mailbox afterwards.

Massimo Rosen
Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
No emails please!
Massimo Rosen
2010-02-20 18:36:39 UTC
You could also try running a Recreate User Database on this account.
That should bring all the mail back albiet in the root of the Cabinet
But only when his user database is the problem. If it's a message.db or
even offiles, that doesn't help. Hence my advice to first find out what

Massimo Rosen
Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
No emails please!
Massimo Rosen
2010-02-23 13:51:24 UTC
-“You could also try running a Recreate User Database on this account.
That should bring all the mail back albiet in the root of the Cabinet
I have tried this. What it does is to recreate mails after the name
change OK but ones prior to the name change have the body missing.
That's normal.
-“First, there is no technical explanation why the renaming should
anything to do with it. It's most certainly coincidence”-
I used some redundant email accounts to experiment. Recreating the
userxxxdb seems to rely not just on the fid but also on the user name.
What has renaming to do with recreating?
Eg: Delete account, recreate using same fid and same-name = ok
Delete account, recreate using same fid and re-named account = some
emails without body.
Delete Account? Huh? What in the world are you doing? Of course does
everything break big time once you delete the account.
Rename account, old mails get corrupted.
No. Millions of GW users have been renamed in their life. I have
customers where this happens literally *daily* (several 10.000 users).
Again, I repeat and emphasize, there is *NO* technical explanation of
any whatsoever kind how *properly* renaming (using the rename function
of course) of a user can cause data loss.

Massimo Rosen
Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
No emails please!