LDAP Authentication to IDVAULT with Universal Password
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Bryan Rembold
2007-06-27 21:07:14 UTC
Hey all..

I'm using Groupwise 6.5 SP 6 running on NW 6.5 SP 6 connected via IDM 3.5
edir connector to a Windows 2003 IDVault running edir 8.8.1. Universal
Password is setup and working and email accounts are being created via the
Groupwise driver.

I followed TID 10098063 exactly trying to get LDAP authentication using

The PO loads up and I check the logs... all the LDAP info is correct and
there are no errors.

I try to authenticate via Webaccess and I am getting a Login Failed, no
LDAP errors. The accounts works if I disable LDAP Authentication with
Universal password.

So I am assuming maybe there is some sort of LDAP communication issue???
but I don't see any errors. Any thoughts or ideas that I can try?

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2007-07-03 08:38:41 UTC

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